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Patric Andersson


My name is Patric Andersson and I come originally from Stockholm, Sweden. I have grown up with pets all my life (mostly dogs) since I was a little baby. I just love being around animals. My five-year-old daughter is the same and she can't let any dogs go pass her without asking if she can pet them.

Currently, I own three cats and one dog. My dog is a Miniature Pinscher (about 15 years old),  one Tortoiseshell cat (about 16 years old) and two Siamese cats (one and two years old).

I can't see my life without having any pets and I wanted to start this business to help others when they are at work or wants to go out of town and can't bring their loved ones.


I know how our pets become our friends and our family member/s and how important it is that you have someone that cares about them as much as you do while you are away.

I promise I will.

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